May day
It was the first of May and the tree peonies were blooming. Just a few days ago, the buds were still closed. After two sunny days, all flowers popped open. Bees love the tree peony flowers. Several pushed at once… Continue Reading
It was the first of May and the tree peonies were blooming. Just a few days ago, the buds were still closed. After two sunny days, all flowers popped open. Bees love the tree peony flowers. Several pushed at once… Continue Reading
It is finally April, and the days are definitely much longer already. The birds are in love. The song of our resident cardinal is audible over the din of the city, and the robins are so busy, they hardly pay… Continue Reading
It is March now, and we had a small taste of spring last week when the temperatures reached unbelievable 74ºF. Since then, there was more wind and rain and even snow. The plants are taking it slow. At this time… Continue Reading
We have some good news to report: This year, we will be open to the public again almost like before this terrible pandemic. Beginning in April (and a little depending on the weather), we will resume our regular open hours… Continue Reading
Time flies! Not too long ago, I wrote about rose pruning, and now it is already time for the rose walk. Like for the last 5 years, we have labeled almost all of our roses and will be there to… Continue Reading