Open Garden Day

Yesterday was GreenThumb’s “Open Garden Day”. This was the first official event since the beginning of the Pandemic. What a wonderful change! We organized a meditation session in the morning followed by our seventh annual Rose Walk.

Finally, visitors can walk along the paths again instead of seeing the garden from outside the fence.

It was a perfect sunny summer day and many visitors were happy to see the gates open. Of the roses, only the last varieties were still blooming; but these are some of our prettiest roses, like the profusely blooming “Ballerina”.

The upcoming stars are Clematis. One grows next to Ballerina. Many more are found throughout the garden.

For the evening, we had another surprise for our gardeners and neighbors: The “Nevermind Orchestra” came over to play two sets with their signature Nirvana songs. Live Music, loud, cheerful and fun, how much did we miss it!

When the “Nevermind Orchestra” plays, it can be heard far and wide.

This was a great day and a perfect start of a new chapter: from now on, we will open our gates every weekend afternoon until late fall.

We are excited that the “Nevermind Orchestra” will return for “Make Music New York” on June 21.