April flowers

It is finally April, and the days are definitely much longer already. The birds are in love. The song of our resident cardinal is audible over the din of the city, and the robins are so busy, they hardly pay attention to us humans. Gardeners have cut back the dry stalks of last year’s flowers, pruned the fruit trees and roses and prepared the soil for the new season. Among the plants, daffodils rule in shades of yellow and orange.

However, there are also other colors, like the purplish blue of hyacinths, the bluish pink of the “Glory of the Snow” (Chionodoxa) and the orange-red of quince blossoms. It is worth looking very close to the ground as well. Here the tiny flowers of a creeping Veronica show off in sky blue.

Beginning with next weekend, the garden will be open every Saturday and Sunday afternoon from 2PM to 6PM. During the week the gate may be open when the weather is fair and one of us is around. Please come for a visit. There will be something new to see every day.