Last weekend, New York City experienced the first short heat wave of the year with temperatures in the 90s. Boy, it was hot — and humid, too. This was a little taste of what’s to come.

Some of our gardeners were not deterred and resumed spring planting of herbs and summer flowers. These will take the place on the stage when all the irises, peonies, clematis and roses have finished their show.
Of the herbaceous peonies, only the first few were open yet. Fortunately, their flowering time is a little spread out, giving us a chance to enjoy them for longer than a few days.
The irises are also spectacular. The elegant blue Siberian irises were at their peak on the weekend but many bearded irises are still to come.
Sunday night, a little thunderstorm moved into the area, and temperatures changed back to seasonal. This gives us time to adjust and keeps our pretty May flowers around for a little longer.